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McCain Knocks It Out Of the Park

McCain is proud to be the Official French Fries of the Toronto Blue Jays. Celebrate Fry Days with McCain at the ballpark all summer long.

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The only thing that can make fries better is enjoying them with the ones you love.



Sustainability in the spring with windmills in the background and rich brown soil being planted by tractor and the results being inspected as it passes.

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Background image with Potatoes

Fry Scho0l to turn on the heat

Fry School Step 1. Preparing for success. Cooking times vary depending on appliance power... Watch carefully during the final minutes of cooking for crispy perfection.
Fry School Step 2. Preparing for success. Preheating your oven before putting the fries in ensures even cooking on all sides.
 Fry School Step 3. Staying unstuck. Using a darker baking sheet helps you make crispier fries.
Fry School Step 4. Working on placement. Baking fries in a single layer leads to the crispiest results.
Fry School Step 5. The freezer is your friend. Don't leave your fries sitting out! Cook fries straight from the freezer. Make sure fries are fully cooked before eating.

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